
black asian dragon

All Things Dragon is a site that teaches you about the mythical creature known as the dragon. This site will explain to you the basics of the dragon and give you some ideas on how to make your own unique winged creature for your own fantasy world, whether it be book, movie, or just illustration. One of the ways to understand the dragon is to know how it came to be, the dragon is one popular creature, but how did it become that? Like other mythologies, dragons have an origin and a history; this history is split in two, however, depending on which part of the hemisphere one resides. For example, dragons are described differently on the Western Hemisphere than the ones originating from the Eastern Hemisphere: One has scales and wings, while the other is long and furred and may have whiskers. Not only does appearance differentiate depending on what dragon you want to create, but the creature’s powers also can be quite different. A dragon living somewhere cold would have abilities and powers that one living in a desert or in a volcano would. They can also be as animalistic or as sentient as you desire. There are many ways the dragon can be created. The only limit is the imagination.

More Information

There are some informational sites and videos that can tell you more if you are looking for extra information on the dragon. Here are the following places: