sleeping dragon on books

What is Considered a Dragon?

The basic appearance of the dragon is quadrupedal with a pair of wings on the back, scales covering the body, and have some horns and spikes. However, a dragon does not always have to look like that. A dragon can take any form that you so choose. The only limit is the imagination.

Why Dragons?

Dragons are a personal, favorite mythical creature of mine; they show up a lot in fantasy entertainment and are a good source of excitement and mystery. The dragon can not only be a ferocious and scary creature, but also very alien and mystical in nature.

How Can I Make My Own Original Dragon?

golden dragon

It can be hard to create a dragon that would be considered your own, but I believe the best way to do this is to take the basic form of the dragon and start experimenting with it. What looks good on it? What would make it too busy? Another idea is to use nature around you as a reference. Animals are a good reference when looking fora specific look for your dragon.

Do I Have to Make a Medieval World to Use Dragons?

Though dragons are used a lot in medieval timelines and worlds, it is not a requirement when adding dragons to your world. A modern day timeline or one during a post apocalypse could make a fun environment to explore using the dragon in, but you would need to create an explanation to why there would be dragons in that world and how they would interact with the world and (if part of the story) how they hide from society.