[All Things Dragon] Site Plan

Andraya Goff




What would be considered a dragon?
My website will describe the origins and history of how the mythical creature known as the dragon came to life in entertainment today. The site will briefly talk about the creature and the different appearances they can take depending in which side of the world they originate from (i.e. the difference between dragons in the Western Hemisphere and those from the Eastern Hemisphere). It will describe the differences as well as the similarities between the different types of dragons (i.e. Sea dragons versus Earth dragons) as well as giving creators a starter’s guide to designing dragons for their own fantasy world.


Dragons are a favorite mythical creature of mine, and I’d like to be able to share this love with everyone else. There is a lot of mythical lore behind the dragon and learning and understanding more about these creatures can hopefully excite the reader who comes to look at this site. Not only that, but this site will also explain the difference between the dragons in the western hemisphere from the ones in the eastern hemisphere. With this site, I hope to encourage creators (whether it be drawing or world-building) to try their hand at bringing dragons to their worlds.


Website Logo

Logo image

Style Guide

Color Palette

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Normal paragraph example

The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.

Colored paragraph example

Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.


Site Map



Home Page


All Things Dragon is a site that teaches you about the mythical creature known as the dragon. This site will explain to you the basics of the dragon and give you some ideas on how to make your own unique winged creature for your own fantasy world, whether it be book, movie, or just illustration. One of the ways to understand the dragon is to know how it came to be, the dragon is one popular creature, but how did it become that? Like other mythologies, dragons have an origin and a history; this history is split in two, however, depending on which part of the hemisphere one resides. For example, dragons are described differently on the Western Hemisphere than the ones originating from the Eastern Hemisphere: One has scales and wings, while the other is long and furred and may have whiskers. Not only does appearance differentiate depending on what dragon you want to create, but the creature’s powers also can be quite different. A dragon living somewhere cold would have abilities and powers that one living in a desert or in a volcano would. They can also be as animalistic or as sentient as you desire. There are many ways the dragon can be created. The only limit is the imagination.

Images for the Home page


It is not clear where the myth of dragons was first born, however, the first descriptions of these creatures appeared in the age of Ancient Greek and Sumerians (the word “dragon” comes from an Ancient Greek word “draconta,” meaning “to watch”). During that time, they were more animalistic and were either hostile or friendly. When Christianity began to spread, the dragon was given an evil atmosphere, considering the creature to be Satanic. Some during medieval times believed that dragons did indeed exist, mistaking the dug up bones of dinosaurs to be that of dragons. Because Christianity claimed these creatures to be of the Devil, legends were created of bold and righteous saints battling Satan in the guise of a dragon. One example of these legends is a knight known as St. George the Dragonslayer, who slew the dragon and rescued the fair maiden that was held captive by the evil creature. This story, caused many people to convert to Christianity. Today, we use the mythological creature in many fantasy stories. Some use the dragon as a source of a quest to bring back their home; some use them as majestic creatures willing to aid a chosen rider bring peace to a world; some are added as a majestic yet dangerous beast that is strictly hidden from the non-magical world; and others create them to be heroes in their own world.


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This section will have questions and answers for anyone wondering about the site and about dragons. The answers will describe how, where, what, and why of the dragons. Some will wonder what would be considered a dragon; one could wonder why this site focuses on the dragon; one could ask how can one place this creature into their fictional world. There is no such thing as a bad question, and all will be accepted and be given the most reliable answer as possible. It may give the person something to think about when creating their world and if dragons would work within it. Maybe it could help them get an idea of what the dragon should look like for their world. Regardless, this page will hopefully answer the questions that the person may have and hopefully give them a new view of this fantastical creature. I hope to make this page as reliable as possible to keep my viewers satisfied.

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